We were invited by the Big Yellow storage company to one of their Sheffield branches on Bramall Lane. They asked us to capture some standard PR shots as well as some new employee portraits. For the portraits we decided that including some of branding for the company, as well as an element which shows the size of the company’s facilities. This is why we decided to use the one of the corridors, we think this works well in leading the eye to the staff members.

The Big Yellow storage company also asked us to capture one of their client’s storage facilities. We were pleasantly surprised by what we found! We didn’t expect to meet a man who ran a business from the storage room he rented. After speaking to the client, we discovered that he was an organiser for Cycle time trials. Within the storage facility he created signage amongst other things for the events he organised. We decided to capture all the main aspects of his work within the images, both ourselves and the clients were happy with the images! Go check out Cycle Time Trials to see what great work they get up to.


Thanks! Timm.